Netflix premiered the Ted Bundy movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile and there is no question that Zac Efron killed in the role. Ted Bundy’s story has been told numerous times and the horrific acts of brutality, vicious attacks, and murders that ultimately sent him to the electric chair on January 24, 1989, are recreated. The main difference between Netflix’s’ Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile and other movies is that that the movie is not based upon Ted Bundy’s actions as a serial killer, but on the book written by his ex-fiance Elizabeth “Liz” Kendall (born Elizabeth Kloepfer) The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy.

Played by Lily Collins, Liz Kendall was a single mom when she met and fell in love with Ted Bundy. To this day, no one understands the criminal mind that could brutally murder over thirty victims, yet treated Liz and her daughter Molly with love and kindness.

Elizabeth Kloepfer’s child knew Ted Bundy during her early years. The movie shows the dichotomy that while Liz thought she had found Prince Charming, he was brutally and savagely murdering women in multiple states.

After Liz ended her relationship with Bundy, he married Carole Ann Boone in 1979. Carole Ann Boone gave birth to their daughter Rose.

You may see the trailer for Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile in the video player below.

There has been great speculation on the whereabouts of Rose Bundy, but it is clear she does not want the public to know where she is. It’s also unclear if Molly has memories of Ted Bundy and how his crimes may have impacted her life.

Though there wasn’t enough gore or bloodshed for some who saw the movie, the film does a great job staying true to Liz Kendall’s book and showing the guilt she felt for ultimately suspecting Ted Bundy and reporting him to the police.

Ted Bundy confessed to decapitating 12 victims and it is believed he kept some of his victims’ heads in his apartment for a while. Though he confessed to killing thirty victims, he continued to claim he was innocent. You may hear Ted Bundy’s confession tapes below.

It is believed that Ted Bundy had a troubled background that included an abusive grandfather whom he lived with that was addicted to pornography. Bundy would later confess that it was pornography that led him to commit the acts Florida deemed extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile. There has been speculation he was the product of incest, developed an addiction to pornography at an early age, and may have committed his first murder at the age of 12-years-old.


Did you watch Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile? What were your thoughts on Zac Efron’s performance as serial killer Ted Bundy?
